Formato de Planeación flexible (Modalidad
distancia) Institución Educativa Nicolás Gaviria
Docente: LEONARDO LOPEZ DURANGO. Área/Asignatura: INGLES. Intensidad horaria: 3 HORAS. Periodo:
Grado: 10. Grupo: A/B.
Semana N°: 11 Fechas de desarrollo: (18/22
Tema a trabajar: Reading comprehension.
* Objetivo del tema a trabajar: Practicar
estructuras gramaticales vistas en clases anteriores mediante ejercicios de comprensión
de textos.
* Estándar de competencia a trabajar: Participo en conversaciones en
las que puedo explicar mis opiniones e ideas sobre temas generales, personales
y abstractos.
* Derecho Básico de Aprendizaje a
trabajar: Distingue
información general y específica en textos de opinión y discusiones orales y
escritos sobre temas conocidos.
* Indicadores de desempeño a trabajar: Realiza
excelentes ejercicios en las habilidades de: reading and writing.
Rearrange each group of
letters to give a type of animal. What are they? EKMNOY /
a) Busque el vocabulario desconocido del siguiente texto.
Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water, but
how _1_ of it do you drink in a day? Although it's the best thing we
can put in our body most of us are not drinking _2_.
Drinking water in either plain or in the form of other
fluids or foods is _3_ to your health. Experts recommend adults drink
between 8 and 10 glasses a day. Drinking coffee or soda are not included
because they can dehydrate you.
So why should we drink water?
If you want to _4_ positive and focused, you
should drink water. Dehydration, from not enough water, can lead to
forgetfulness, mood swings and fatigue. _5_ your body doesn't have enough
water it gets tired. So _6_ extra energy, make sure you drink plenty
of water.
Do you _7_ feel hungry? Do you have cravings
for food? Drink a glass of water. When you drink water, it fills your stomach
and _8_ the tendency to eat more. Suppressing appetite will also help
you _9_ weight.
Drinking plenty of water may also _10_ you
from getting a headache, and if you do have one, the first thing that you can
for relief is drink some.
b) Cada
numeral en el texto requiere ser completado con alguna de las 4 opciones.
Analice y decida cuál es la palabra correcta.
1. Ever/ much/
many/ some
2. enough/ too/
of/ such
3. easily/ essential/
interrupt/ single
4. feels/ felt/
felling/ feel
5. How/ When/
Why/ For
6. in/ for/
on/ to
7. condition/
constantly/ appreciate/ regulate
8. refuse/ decline/
reduces/ stop
9. loose/ losing/
loses/ lose
10. persuade/
engage/ prevent/ cause
3. ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIÓN: Answer this question. Why is important drinking
wáter for our heath?
Recomendaciones generales: Si es posible envía tus actividades al correo
Nombra el archivo con tu nombre y grado.
Ejm: Galileo Galilei grado 10ª
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