Formato de Planeación flexible (Modalidad
distancia) Institución Educativa Nicolás Gaviria
Docente: LEONARDO LOPEZ DURANGO. Área/Asignatura: INGLES. Intensidad horaria: 3 HORAS. Periodo: Uno
Grado: 8. Grupo: B Semana N°: 11 Fechas de desarrollo: 11/15 MAY
* Tema a trabajar: Comprensión de lectura
* Objetivo del tema a trabajar: Comprender
textos sencillos mediante la formulación de preguntas tipo information questions.
* Estándar
de competencia a trabajar: Leo y comprendo textos narrativos y descriptivos o
narraciones y descripciones de diferentes fuentes sobre temas que me son
familiares, y comprendo textos argumentativos cortos y sencillos.
* Derecho
Básico de Aprendizaje a trabajar: Narra brevemente hechos actuales,
situaciones cotidianas o sus experiencias propias, en forma oral o escrita.
* Indicadores
de desempeño a trabajar:
Participa en
conversaciones y presentaciones utilizando el vocabulario y las estructuras
INICIALES: Formar parejas con los siguientes adjetivos encontrando su
respectivo opuesto.
Ejm: gordo- flaco (fat - thin)
Easy/ dangerous/
scary/ happy/ high/ narrow/ expensive/ lazy/ heavy/ hard/ cute/ angry/ low/ busy/
soft/ cheap/ safe/ wide/ light/ difficult
a) Seleccionar
el vocabulario desconocido y buscar su significado en el diccionario.
My working day starts very
early. From Monday to Friday I get up at half past three and I have a shower
and a cup of coffee. I usually leave the house at ten past four because the car
always arrives a few minutes early. I get to the studio at about five o'clock
and start work. My programme Good Morning Britain starts at
seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then I leave the studio at a
quarter past ten. After that, I go shopping and visit some friends. I get home
at three o'clock. A woman helps me with the housework and the ironing. I read a
newspaper and do some work.
Then my husband gets home
at half past five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the
evening. We don't go out because I go to bed very early. We usually watch
television and then I go to bed at half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine
At weekends, I don't get up
until ten o'clock. In the evening, we often see some friends or go to the
cinema. But I'm always up early again on Monday morning.
b) Responder
las siguientes preguntas con base en el texto.
1. What time
does Cynthia get up during the week?
2. How does
Cynthia get to the studio in the morning?
3. What time
does she arrive at the studio?
4. What time
does the TV show begin?
5. How long
does "Good Morning Britain" last?
6. What time
does Cynthia get home after finishing at the studio?
7. What time
does her husband arrive home?
8. Do Cynthia
and her husband go out in the evening?
9. What time
does Cynthia go to bed?
10. Does
Cynthia stay in bed longer at the weekend?
3. ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIÓN: Cambie la redacción del texto a tercera
Recomendaciones generales: Si es posible
envíe sus actividades al correo:
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