lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

11/ 15 DE MAYO

Formato de Planeación flexible (Modalidad distancia) Institución Educativa Nicolás Gaviria

Docente: LEONARDO LOPEZ DURANGO.             Área/Asignatura: INGLES    Intensidad horaria: 3 HORAS.        
Periodo: Uno    Grado: 11.        Grupo:  Semana N°: 11  Fechas de desarrollo: (11/15 MAYO)


* Objetivo del tema a trabajar: Analizar y comprender textos como estrategia para preparar las pruebas Icfes.
* Estándar de competencia a trabajar: Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fi n de comprender las ideas principales y específicas.
* Derecho Básico de Aprendizaje a trabajar: Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con temas de interés general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con otros.
* Indicadores de desempeño a trabajar:  Se desempeña correctamente en las habilidades de reading and writing.


1. ACTIVIDADES INICIALES: intenta formar palabras uniendo las partes separadas del siguiente grupo.
Bor/ exci/ hor/ dange/ beaut/ diffi/ un/ wi/ ea/ de/ pois/ da/ ting/ iful/ rous/ ep/ happy/ rk/ sy/ ld/ ing/ rible/ cult/ onous/
a) Busca el significado de las palabras desconocidas del siguiente texto.
After two weeks of worry, a farmer (0) ________the north of England was very happy yesterday. James Tuke, a farmer who (1) __________ sheep, lost his dog, Sally, when they were out (2) ___________together a fortnight ago.'Sally was running (3) ________ of me', he said. 'and disappeared over the top of the hill. I whistled and called (4) _______she didn't come. She's young, so I thought perhaps she'd gone back to the farmhouse (5) ______ her own. But she wasn't there. Over the next few days I (6) _______ as much time as I could looking for her. I was afraid that I would never see her (7)_________ . Then a neighbour said she'd heard an animal crying while she was out walking near the (8) _______ of a cliff. I rushed out and found Sally on a shelf of rock halfway down. She was thin and (9) __________ but she had no (10) ________ injuries. She was really lucky!'

b) Complete el texto con la opción apropiada para numeral.
(0) in of at to
(1) goes grows keeps holds
(2) working worked work works
(3) behind beside ahead around
(4) but so and even
(5) by on with of
(6) used spent gave passed
(7) more again further after
(8) edge side border height
(9) poor dull weak broken
(10) strong hard rough serious
Seleccione todos los verbos del texto y discrimínelos en regulares e irregulares con su respectivo pasado y participio pasado.
Recomendaciones generales: Si es posible envíe sus actividades al correo
El nombre del archivo será su nombre y su grado. Ejm. Cristiano Ronaldo 11U

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